Multiple IT vendors and systems? No problem with low-code!

As organizations grow, so does the complexity of IT infrastructure. Does this sound recognizable and do you work with multiple systems and rely on different IT vendors? If so, that probably presents challenges. That can be done more efficiently!

Low-code is then a tremendously good solution. This is because it allows you to easily and quickly develop applications and easily integrate data, among other things. In this blog, we’ll tell you all about it.

What challenges do you face when working with multiple IT vendors and systems?

To begin, let’s outline some of the challenges you may encounter within a complex IT infrastructure with multiple systems:

Integration Problems

Integrating different IT systems can be a big challenge. Systems often use different protocols, formats and communication standards, which can lead to complex integrations and privacy issues.

Read tip! How secure are low-code platforms?

Data Migration

Moving data from one system to another can be a complex and time-consuming task. In addition, it is important here to ensure that data is transferred correctly and that no data is lost.


Just managing multiple systems and vendors can be challenging. They probably also all have different management protocols, which doesn’t make it any easier. It can also be difficult to determine which vendor is responsible for fixing any problems.


There may be costs for licensing, maintenance, training, and so on. So maintaining multiple systems and vendors can cost quite a bit. In addition, there may be costs for integrating systems and developing custom solutions.


Working with multiple systems and vendors also means that there are multiple vulnerabilities that need to be managed and secured. If all your systems have to meet the same security standards, that can be a tough job when they all work differently.

Especially with the new NIS2 directive on the way, safety is paramount!


When problems arise, it can be difficult to determine exactly who is responsible for solving the problem. It gets even trickier when several vendors of your systems are involved in solving the problem.

In short, managing multiple IT vendors and systems can be complex and lead to various challenges and problems. It is important to be aware of these challenges and work on solutions that can overcome them.

How can low-code help with this problem?

By deploying low-code, the above challenges are a thing of the past. You can develop a low-code application completely as you wish so that it fully meets the needs of your organization. Moreover, it is a sustainable software.

A low-code platform, such as the Dutch Mendix, for example, helps your organization handle data smarter and more efficiently. Among other things, you can easily integrate data, automate workflows and generate reports and analytics.

Low-code also helps create a more complete picture, in one view, of your organization’s data and processes. So low-code allows you to combine and integrate all kinds of IT systems into one central solution.

Read tips! Are you running into something else? Perhaps you have insufficient IT capacity, IT does not understand organizational needs adequately or you have an End of life application. We have written blogs about that, too.

Low-code simplifies your IT infrastructure

In short, low-code is a good solution for organizations with multiple IT vendors and systems because it makes application development faster, more efficient and flexible, and reduces dependence on specific programming knowledge.

Wondering exactly how low-code can help your organization? Our experts can help you through our app factory, interim management, consulting or training and coaching. Contact us for a free consultation!

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