Low-code for construction companies

The construction industry is changing rapidly and digitization is becoming inevitable. But how do you overcome construction challenges? Imagine all your construction projects running smoothly, where communication between the office and site is seamless and where real-time updates are a given. This reality is closer than you think, thanks to low-code.

Read on to discover how low-code can transform your construction company and put you at the forefront of today’s digital revolution.

The challenges in construction

The challenges in construction
Construction companies have many responsibilities and duties. For example, the challenge is to keep all project data in one central location and update it so that everyone always has access to up-to-date data. Integrating legacy software with new tools is often a challenge as well. Or what about data security, which is a growing concern these days.

How do you make sure you overcome these challenges? That’s where digitization via low-code offers opportunities.

low-code for construction companies

This is low-code

Low-code allows you to build applications with visual building blocks, without getting bogged down in complex code. It’s like building with LEGO; you add pieces together to create something new and functional.

So with low-code, you develop applications or software up to 10 times faster than if you use traditional development methods.

Why low-code is a good choice for construction companies

So working in construction has its challenges, but with low-code you take them away! This is because it allows you to quickly create apps that seamlessly fit your needs without in-depth IT knowledge. This ensures more efficient processes, better integration of tools and cost efficiency through less dependence on external IT specialists.
You can actually develop an infinite number of different low-code applications (LINK) that will make you work more efficiently and get you ahead of your competition.

How low-code can increase your ROI

By embracing the low-code mindset, you change the way you work in a positive way. You increase your productivity by developing applications quickly, speeding up projects and reducing your final costs.

Low-code platforms, like Mendix, give you the flexibility to customize tools to your unique needs, which traditional software development often lacks. This not only saves you IT costs, but you also reduce errors through automation. This leads to better data-driven decisions.

Moreover, low-code can help you adapt quickly to changing customer needs. This leads to improved customer satisfaction, which can lead to more business and ultimately higher ROI.

Examples of low-code applications for construction companies

In the construction industry, flexible tools are essential to remain competitive. Low-code platforms therefore allow you to create solutions that perfectly fit your needs. For example, with low-code you can develop the following apps:

Project management app Allows you to efficiently manage your projects in 1 place with real-time updates
Inventory Management Keep track of stock of materials and tools with this and reduce waste
Planning and scheduling Coordinate teams and resources effectively through a clear schedule that everyone can access
Customer Portal Provides clients with visibility into project progress and budgeting
Safety checks and notifications Ensure that safety protocols are followed and that everyone is informed of changes in a timely manner
Maintenance logs for machines Receive notification when maintenance is required. This prevents downtime of the machines
Digital blueprints and 3D models Give anyone you want access to the latest versions of drawings at any location
Time Recording Keep accurate records of employee hours in a convenient application, where employees can also log their hours themselves


Programs and services

Meet our low-code services

At ChangeMakers, we help organizations harness the power of low-code. Our services range from consulting, to the actual implementation of low code software. We offer two unique programs focused on advice, management and guidance (Changing), or actual development (Making).

App factory

Does your organization want to get the most out of digital transformations? Our DevOps teams add value at lightning speed by delivering turnkey projects that help you take the next step. We realize your projects up to 10x faster.



Interim management

We get your organization ready to embrace low-code development. We do this by leading a team, managing the required portfolio, organizing people for it and shaping platform processes.


Low-code consulting

With our independent knowledge of low-code platforms, we advise on the best solution, architecture design and integration with existing systems using ESB, messaging and HIP. But more importantly, how to bring the organization into this.


Training and coaching

It is important to embed low code expertise in your organization and live “the agile way of work.” In doing so, we provide training and certification. We coach you through the entire project and help you execute all important aspects.


Start your transformation today

The construction industry has many challenges for which digitization can be a solution. At ChangeMakers, we have the expertise to guide you through this digitization with low-code. Whether you are looking for customized low-code solutions, interim management, consulting or training – we are here for you.

What are you waiting for? Get in touch with us!

Become a ChangeMaker yourself?

At ChangeMakers, we are always looking for motivated Changers and Makers. Do you want to accelerate your future? Then check out our job offerings.
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